Celtic Knot

Eileen FlynnConsulting

Focusing on people to accelerate business results


Research articles and assessment tools


Team Development Research

To identify the behaviors that distinguish the highest performing drug development teams in a Fortune 100 pharmaceutical company, a comprehensive, multi-method study was conducted to determine the behaviors that most strongly differentiate the performance level of such teams. The results of the study describe the specific behaviors and strategies used more times and in more situations by the top performing teams.

Download OD Journal Teams Article

Employee Engagement Framework

Understanding that internal and external change impacts productivity, a Global Organizational Development (OD) team identified employee engagement as an important tool to ensure long-term growth and success.

Following both internal and external research, the OD team partnered with business leaders and Human Resource Generalists to develop and implement a global employee engagement model and strategy.

Download OD Journal Engagement Article


Measuring Team Performance

The use of teams to accomplish business goals is a practice in most companies. The challenge is to figure out how to put a group of diverse individuals together and have them perform effectively. As we stated in our Team Development section, this is a specialty at Eileen Flynn Consulting.

Accelerating Team Performance - Team Survey

This is a robust assessment that targets key fundamentals critical to any team's success. Additionally, this survey addresses research-based drivers that focus on the connections between the team leader, team members and management sponsors from a task and people perspective.

Accelerating Team Performance - Stakeholder Survey

This optional survey complements the team survey with feedback from key stakeholders, helping teams compare self-perception vs. stakeholder views of their performance.

What can teams expect from these surveys?

  • A high level analysis of team performance - strengths and areas for improvement
  • A detailed report providing results for each survey item
  • A facilitated debriefing meeting (optional) to discuss results and develop improvement actions

Building Relationships: Understanding Team Member Styles

Research studies on team effectiveness continue to point to the link between knowing and understanding team members and team performance. We have learned that high performing team members seek to understand and value each other.

Available Style Inventories:

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Widely used personality instrument examining how individuals relate to the world, gather information, make decisions, and organize themselves.

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Belbin Team Role Self-Perception Inventory

Behavioral-based inventory helping individuals identify their roles on teams.

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DISC Inventory

Measures individuals against four traits: dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance.

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Parker Team Player Survey

Examines primary team player style - contributor, collaborator, communicator, or challenger.

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